Journal 5/6
So, I am going to make this fairly short and sweet, that way I can get my website in on time, but life got in the way, here is what I ended up doing though now and the final presentation. Also, my screenshot is broken, so there are no photos for this journal. I wanted to make further verification methods, so I decided to add lines like;
print(bcolors.OKGREEN + "Retrieved Captcha: " + captcha + bcolors.ENDC)
In order to give further verification to the user in order to create a better user experience, and also for me to know what the code has and hasn't done. On top of this, I started defining variable names. Usually, this is something you do in C++, but I wanted to do it here. Defining something looks like this:
def convertToDictionary(self, my_list: list, url)
Essentially what defining does is it creates cleaner code with simpler variable names, instead of calling certain names of certain functions every time, defining it once under different names helps make the code more concise. Cleaning up everything was a HUGE pain in the rear, but once I was done, I was proud of what came of it, and that was, a removal tool that actually works!
I am very proud of how quickly the removal runs, takes 15 seconds for a task than can take quite a while. On top of that, I am proud of how organized and well-formatted my code is.
I'm very disappointed in myself for how little I have done. I know I could be doing more, but my time management is not where it needs to be, and that feeling is extremely invalidating and frustrating.